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Indiana Conference Music Festival

Quick Facts

What: Indiana Conference Music Festival

When: April 3-5, 2025

Where: Indiana Academy, Cicero, IN

Who: Grades 5-12

Options: Choir, Band, and Early Music

How Much: $18-$70 (see registration form for more information)


The Indiana Conference Music Festival is an annual event hosted by Indiana Academy. 5th to 12th-graders from Indiana and beyond are invited to experience what it’s like to make music on the academy level. Participants get to build their choral, band, and other music skills under the direction of talented clinicians from around the country. The festival also provides students with an opportunity to experience Indiana Academy and what it has to offer, especially in music. Most of all, our goal is to train young people to grow their love for Christ and their skills in music so that they can use them to glorify Him.

To register for this exciting event, click the button above to be directed to the registration page.

important documents to help you complete your registration.

Participant Agreement

How Do I Know What Part He Sings?

How Do I Know What Part She Sings

Private Lesson Scholarship Application


Important Dates

December: Regular Registration begins

January 31: Registration ends

+ Sponsors: watch for important event update emails

April 3: On-site registration from 9am-11am

April 5: Concert at Sabbath Celebration in the Cicero SDA Church - 11am


Contact Info

Philip Byrd

Festival Producer

Festival Choir Coordinator

IA Music Director

(317) 984-0073

Glenn Hawkins

Festival Band Coordinator

IA Band Director

(317) 984-0075

Jennifer Currier

Communications Coordinator

(317) 844-6201

January 20

Bible electives

April 13

Indiana Academy Preview Day